
As a bid to increase residency of both young professionals and businesses JBD Smith tasked Gensler with creating branding for Crystal City. [vc_separator type='transparent' position='center' color='' thickness='' up='1' down=''] For this project I joined a team consisting of two designers, a creative director and myself. The process began with researching this otherwise...

The Problem: While T-Mobile's current in store messaging could best be described as a value proposition, a strategy that works well for easily understood devices such as smartphones, it was our feeling that this family of devices would greatly benefit (and sell better) with a bit more storytelling behind them. [vc_separator type='transparent'...

While freelancing for Mod Pizza I had the opportunity to concept and design a variety of holiday campaigns. These campaigns needed to fit with the feel of the individual holidays while also adhering to the Mod brand. As a general brand direction they needed to feel scrappy, fun, and a...

As part of their expansion into the physical retail space Amazon was creating a series of device focused popups or mini-shops in malls across America. A large portion of my work with Amazon was to design and maintain the branding for these shops on the day to day as well...

In conjunction with the Nike Women’s Victory Tour the Nike North American Training Club created a series of training events in key cities around the world. For this event I was asked to help create the visual center, or event identity toolkit as well as a selection of assets to...

Rebook needed visual direction and concepts for how their key categories would show up in market 2016. Fiction was tasked with finding visual direction and creating visuals to support these categories. I was brought in to work on Activechill, Crossfit, Polartec outerwear, and UFC.  I worked with the design team...

Xbox’s branding appears in collaboration with; game and media producers, various retailers, magazines, websites and other partner brands much of their branding has to work with a large variety of different layouts. This makes having a bullet proof set of branding guidelines vital....